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Veterans List

Last Name First Name Branch Service Information
James Scott Air Force AKA: Fudd MSgt James served in Desert Storm
James William Gary Air National Guard William Gary James served in the United States Army National Guard from April 1956 - July 1991. He was also in the Officer Candidate School Hall of Fame.
Jankowski Charle J. Air Force Served in the United States Air Force from 1957 to 1965.
Jarrett Lee Roy Army National Guard S/Sgt Jarrett served in the Indiana Army National Guard from 1959-65 and a tour to Vietnam
Jeffords Cliford Air Force SMSgt Jeffords served in Korea and Vietnam
Jeffords Glen Air Force 1980-82
Jenkins Morris Army He was a survivor of the attack on Pearl Harbor and served in WWII
Jenkins Tillman Army AKA: Dude served from 1954-57
Jesse Lawrence Air Force 1948-52
Johansen Carl O. Marines PSGT Carl O. Johansen served in the United States Marine Corps during WWII. Carl was awarded BSM, PH, and was a POW.